For the first time, after the process of improvement in the sector began, in January 2021, the 11 entities belonging to the Business Group of Commerce in Ciego de Ávila (Gecca), report profits that exceed 70 million pesos, a fact considered a landmark in the territory.
Edelmis Ríos Sánchez, economic director of Gecca, explained to Granma that the achievement was possible, in the first instance, due to the correct application of resolution 99, of the Ministry of Domestic Trade, of the year 2019, which eliminates the limitations in the relations of the companies with non-state forms of management and adapts them to the current market conditions and objectives of the regulations that have been issued by this Ministry on this matter, in such a way that they make the purchase more flexible to obtain resources in order to increase offers in gastronomy activities and the retail sale of merchandise.
To this are added other own alternatives, put into practice to stimulate state efficiency and materialize the well-known phrases of "eliminating bureaucratic obstacles" and "unleashing ingenuity and the productive forces."
Ríos Sánchez explained that the boards of directors of said entities enjoy total autonomy for the control of income and expenses, direct contracting of suppliers, purchases of products from natural and legal persons, execution of investments, distribution of profits, formation of technical standards and retail prices.
Despite all these faculties, there are still 44 Base Business Units (UEB) in the province with economic losses and the purpose of Geca is that by the end of the year the 181 units close the balance sheet with profits.
After repeated analysis, it was concluded that the UEB with losses are the result of the lack of management of the managers of the organization itself and of the companies to which they belong, coupled with economic lack of control, which not infrequently appears in those entities.
So far, the municipalities that report the most UEB with economic losses are Chambas, Morón, and the Gastronomy Company of Ciego de Ávila; and those that least, Baraguá, Primero de Enero and Ciro Redondo.