Even in the midst of a very difficult year, taking into account the multiple and frequent effects on the electrical service, at the end of 2022 in Ciego de Ávila, more than 8,300 registrations were made in the Property Registry and more than 7,000 domain certificates were issued. , after the introduction of a software that allowed speeding up the processing.
Precisely this month of May marks the first year of the application of the digital system that, despite its benefits and humanization of work, has also been vulnerable to power outages and their consequences, say server or computer breakage. This, added to a workforce that is only half covered, poses challenges for the group led by Leyanis Ceballos Lorenzo, Head of the Provincial Department of the Property Registry.
"We had days in which we could barely work, because when there was power here, then it was not in the circuit of the Directorate of Justice, where the computer servers are," explains Ceballos Lorenzo and adds that, based on these unforeseen events, they extended the term of the procedures
In September 2020, Resolution 382 of the Ministry of Justice entered into force, which established the categorization of Property Registries into three categories, which implicitly include the time that registrars have for their work. Those of the first category were scheduled in up to 10 business days, seven for the second and five for the third.
However, Ceballos Lorenzo speaks of extended terms of up to 15-20 days, especially in the registries of Ciego de Ávila and Morón, the ones with the greatest demand for services. The truth is that for those who reach this instance, after going through the labyrinthine paths of Housing, Urban and Territorial Planning, civil registries and notaries, waiting five or 10 days more than what is established by law is not a major inconvenience.
This is confirmed by the 1,892 domain certificates and the 2,824 registrations made in the first four-month period of the year, and the influx of natural persons in search of these procedures, considered mandatory to carry out successful purchases, exchanges, and donations of real estate.
In order to better organize the process —and after trying alternatives such as the delivery of numbers by order of arrival or by telephone—, the Land Registry is one of the entities that uses the Ticket platform, with good results.
“We serve the population on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, in the morning, at a rate of 15 shifts each day for the service request. Through the platform, 12 capacities are delivered and we leave three to serve those who arrive disoriented or do not have the knowledge or means to obtain the virtual ticket.
"The evening sessions are dedicated to delivering the documents already processed and so far everything is flowing normally, without complaints," the Head of the Provincial Department says.
Tuesday and Thursday are the days dedicated to serving legal entities, since the registration of state real estate is still pending. 2022 closed with only 261 buildings of registered national and local subordinations, which keeps the province below 50 percent compliance with this indicator.
In accordance with current legislation, the administrations are responsible for completing this task, commissioned since December 2009 by the Council of Ministers in its Agreement No. 34. On that date, a schedule was established to complete the registration of state real estate in the period 2010-2014. In Ciego de Ávila, it has done and will take more time.