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    Poultry Unit guarantees reproduction of turkeys in Ciego de Ávila

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    Garantiza reproducción de pavos unidad avícola de Ciego de Ávila

    Specialization in the management of animal mass allows Monte Los Rusos Poultry Business Unit (UEB) in Majagua, municipality of Ciego de Ávila, to maintain favorable indicators in the reproduction of turkeys of the Barrados breed, through artificial insemination.

    Lisbeth Martínez Felipe, a veterinary doctor and director of the UEB, told the Cuban News Agency that the correct application of this technique enables them to show a percentage of effectiveness above 90, much higher than what is established for this species, which is between 80 and 85 percent.

    She explained that the result is due to the rigor with which the breeders are selected, which guarantees the continuity of the species for commercialization.

    "Our mission, because we are the only unit that reproduces Barrado turkey in the country, is to obtain fertile eggs to send them to the hatchery located in the municipality of Ciro Redondo, also belonging to the Ciego de Ávila`s Poultry Company, from where they are sold, for national balance, the poults with a day of born.

    "So far this year we have delivered more than 39 eggs to the hatchery, and in the 14 farms we have, in addition to the 200 breeders, more than 1,500 breeders, 12,000 fattening, 17,000 starting and 6 000 replacement," Martínez Felipe said.

    This UEB also stands out at the provincial level for the good results in its self-sufficiency with various crops and meat.

    The turkey is a species that adapts very well to various ecosystems, is resistant to diseases and has a rapid growth rate and a high meat yield.