This Thursday, the first dose of Sovereign 02 is inoculated, from to Ciego de Ávila`s infants aged between two and 10 years, considered in the third and last group of the school vaccination campaign, included in the national immunization strategy against COVID -19.
The immunogenic medication will be administered to more than 45 000 children, complying with the application schedule of two doses of Soberana 02 and a booster dose with Soberana Plus, on days 1, 28 and 56, Daylin Arias Tomé, Communication and Marketing specialist of the Provincial Health Directorate (DPS), explained.
Fifth graders, ages 10 and older, are included in this group; meanwhile, he specified that children who are not two years old or reach that age during the campaign, will not be inoculated until it is decided to start this process in the population segment that groups those older than one month and those younger than 24 months.
Besides, SARS-CoV-2 convalescents will not be vaccinated for the moment, to whom only one dose of Soberana Plus corresponds to amplify the natural immunity acquired with the disease, after 60 days of clinical and epidemiological discharge, the source itself stressed.
Arias Tomé pointed out, as an essential requirement to be vaccinated, the company of parents or legal guardians, in which the educational sector workers insist, responsible for the organizational issues of the campaign, including the summons of students to attend the 180 vaccinations enabled in the province, mostly located in educational centers.
Immunization in the third group of pediatric ages is expected to last until the end of the first fortnight of November, according to the DPS at a press conference.
At the end of the school vaccination campaign, in the province of Ciego de Ávila, more than 70 000 students of different levels of education must be immunized, which will represent a guarantee for their health and the development of the 2021-2022 school year.
If the vaccination schemes are achieved as planned, by the year 2022 Cuba will have its entire population immunized, however, individual and collective protection measures must be maintained, considering that vaccines do not prevent contagion, they only prevent patients from evolving severe symptoms of the disease.