In 1994 the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) was created, which constituted a qualitative change in the attention of science and technology in the country, introducing new forms of organization of scientific and technological activities, which on one hand they further enhance the process of generating scientific knowledge in certain areas and on the other hand, they raise the technological innovation process to higher levels, with a more direct contribution to the economic and social development of the country.
With this, a new management system of science and technology began to be implemented, replacing the previous Science and Technology System with a System of Science and Technological Innovation (SCIT) and this in full correspondence with the economic transformations that take place in The country at this stage. Here the orientation of the National Scientific Policy and its fundamental pillars that have sustained it since the very beginning of the revolutionary process is revealed again. This System is the organizational form through which the scientific and technological policy approved by the Government for a certain period is materialized, in accordance with the country's economic and social development strategy.
In the province, the Territorial Delegation of CITMA is created with the definition of its state functions for the control and guidence of scientific, technological and environmental activity and also begins the process of implementing the new Territorial System of Science and Technological Innovation, as one of the most important moments that occur in the organization of technical scientific activity in these years. Technological innovation begins to be approached as a key factor in the whole of scientific and technological activities to increase economic efficiencyand social of the country and it begins to be considered that this must be an inherent part of the strategies of the productive and service sectors and the company becomes a central factor in the guidence and attention of the new system.
One of the fundamental concepts on which the SCI is based is to achieve an adequate balance of the transfer of technologies from abroad and the internal generation of technologies, that is, it is necessary to start from comprehensive analyzes that contemplate the development strategies of each sector and branch, its economic technical feasibility and its national technical scientific potential.
The System of Science and Technological Innovation in Cuba (SCIT) therefore guides the necessary articulation of knowledge generation and basic research with the dynamic and effective application of it in social practice. The aim is to increase the capacity to transform R&D into Technological Innovation, to close the research cycle, to transfer and assimilate the necessary knowledge, to internalize knowledge management in the sector of production of goods and services fundamentally.
In 1996, it begins to be organized in the province according to the new management system, the System of Programs and Projects, which allows the organization of research activities - development and technological innovation in National, Branch and Territorial Programs, having as a basic cell the project, as a way of planning resources over time to obtain certain results of scientific research and innovation aimed at the priorities established for each program and stage. Initially, 6 Territorial Technological Scientific Programs (PTCT) were approved with 21 initially associated projects, which have matured and consolidated until reaching the number of 11 PTCT today with more than 60 associated projects in the following directions and objectives of those programs:
• Sustainable Production of Foods of animal origin.
• Sustainable Tourism Development.
• Development of Technologies for the use of Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency.
• Agricultural Production Alternatives.
• Human health.
• Watersheds and Climate Change.
• Cane production and its diversification.
• Social Sciences.
• Education and Pedagogy.
In each of these programs, research projects - development (R&D) and technological innovation (IT) are developed, all of them are financed at the central level, based on a budget of expenses of each project and its economic feasibility. The first technological innovation projects in companies begin to be considered in the territory, although in a very large numberreduced and characterized by being essentially incremental innovations or small improvements.