This elegant building, built in 1925, a symbol of economic power, is one of the most distinctive buildings in the Historic Center of the city of Ciego de Ávila.
Caracterizado como un edificio ecléctico, con características neoclásicas fundamentalmente a nivel de fachada, en el apreciamos en el centro un frontón triangular bordeado por molduras, modillones y decoración geométrica, cornisa de gola recta y friso simple, arquitrabe liso que descansa sobre pares de columnas monumentales de fuste estriado y capitel de orden compuesto. Characterized as an eclectic building with neoclassical characteristics, fundamentally at the facade level. In the center, there can be seen a triangular pediment bordered by moldings, modillions and geometric decoration, a straight goose cornice with simple frieze, smooth architrave that rests on pairs of monumental columns of striated shaft and composite order chapiter.
It preserves its original carpentry topped by triangular frontoncillos supported by brackets. This property has value 1.