Building of marked Arab influence located on Independencia Street and Simón Reyes corner
On October 1, 1907 Mr. Antonio Hernández Hernández and his wife Francisca Samper and González bought the land where the most luxurious pharmacy in the city of Ciego de Ávila will be erected, not only because it is the only property in the entire historic center with Arabic value, but for the movable values of the pharmacy called “La Fe”, whose owner Mr. Antonio Hernández Hernández decided to organize his private home on the second floor and on the first floor the warehouses and the pharmacy itself.
According to the legend of the time, Mr. Antonio decided to carry out a different architecturally project from the other constructions of the city and once it was built, he destroyed the project to avoid future repetitions. Credible or not this legend, it is certain that this is a unique building due to its topological characteristics.
The place opened its doors on April 5, 1909. On the ground floor of the facade, pairs of columns can be seen where polybulated arches, beautifully decorated with floral motifs rest. It should be stood out the use of double straight lines to differenciate the different types of decorative motifs.
The columns of reduced size with decorative motifs and a base that supports the arches simulating symmetrical frets can be seen. These polilobulated arches, both in the first and second floors, have carvings that accentuate the beauty of them. The bottom wall on the first floor has spaced openings. Finishing these openings, there is a very worked molding similar to one decorative motifs of the facade and on these, a molding resembling an overhang eave.
In the lateral facade of the portal, it has the same circular arch, but without lobes or decorative works. There is not either framing with portal roof on both floors. Its lower part topped with smooth molding. On both sides of the facade, columns of rectangualr section are observed which have the function of supporting mostly the loads of the structure.
On the second floor, there is a greater level of details and complexity in the decoration, being the double vertical and horizontal lines of another dimension.
There are no pairs of columns although it has the same decoration on the first floor. The arches in this case are conopial, also polylobulated with the same work in the carvings.
The luminous balconies, very worked from column to column, have molding in both: the lower and upper part.
Topping the facade, there is a left overhang that rests on a strip very decorated with small pointed arches.
The bottom wall of the second floor has 4 openings crowned with circular arches with stained glass designed with circles that line a central circle where the initials OR are highlighted at the ends.
Framing all the openings, there is a molding decorated on the side facade of the balcony in which there are orthopian arches but stripped of all kinds of decoration.
The carpentry is two sheets of quadroon type.
The Arabic influence of this building can be seen only at the facade level. The location of the floor conforms to the eclectic model. It has value 1.